Abbey Flynn
Abbey Flynn was born in Highlands Ranch, Colorado in 1993. Flynn developed an interest in art from a very young age and was often scolded by her grade school teachers for doodling excessively in class. Throughout high school, Flynn took Advanced Placement studio arts courses, worked privately in an independent art study class, and assisted in teaching introductory level painting and drawing classes. Flynn has been featured in two student level art exhibitions in Douglas County, earning an award for one piece in her senior showcase in 2012. Flynn will graduate with a Bachelors of Fine Arts with a drawing and painting emphasis from the University of Colorado Denver in May of 2018. Currently, Flynn lives and paints in Franktown, Colorado.
Abbey Flynn’s works are largely based on personal life circumstances and internal emotional turmoil. Working largely with literal imagery, Flynn creates pieces that are left to be interpreted in any manner that resonates with the viewer. Rather than forcefully and narrowly directing the viewer to a single concept of her own, she wants the work to be open ended and accessible. Entrenched deeply in personal emotion, Flynn’s work exudes a combination of quiet and chaos-- an apt mirror of the daily lives we all live. By manipulating media such as graphite, chalk and oil pastel, along with muted acrylic, Flynn creates a moment of peace and balance in a storm of noise and confusion.